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Debt Management

Break Free

Suffering from heavy debt? Barely making the minimum payments on your credit cards? East Coast Mortgage Brokers can work with you to solve your problems, so you can have your money working for you quicker.

Helpful Advice

Helpful Advice

East Coast Mortgage Brokers is an expert in debt management. Through years of working in this sector, we have the answers to the problems that are keeping you from getting ahead.

Credit Counselling

Credit Counselling

We can help you determine where your money Is going, and then work to develop a plan and budget that ensures your spending habits are altered to address your debt.

Debt Options Calculator

Debt Options Calculator

This tool is one of the many ways in which we are able to help you with your debt. Discover how much your monthly payment would be if you were to repay your debt with one of several different options.

Credit Check

Credit Check

Your credit score is an important part of your financial future. Understanding what it means, and what can change it, is a crucial part of managing your debt. ECMB can provide guidance on how to improve your credit score.

Contact a Debt Specialist

Contact a Debt Specialist

Here at East Coast Mortgage Brokers, we know debt can be a concern for many of our clients. If you are currently suffering from such a problem, please contact our debt specialist, Claude Sullivan.