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Call Now! 709 754 0422
Today's Rates
Fixed 4.69% 5 years closed Fixed
Variable 5.90% 5 year variable
Fixed 4.94% 3 years closed fixed
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Why Us

The Company

The Company

ECMB is Newfoundland and Labrador’s premier mortgage company. Our goal is to treat our clients as our friends, and to provide the best service, advice and rates possible.

Meet Our Team

Meet Our Team

The East Coast Mortgage Broker’s team consists of leaders who work hard to meet the needs of their clients, by helping them get the right mortgage for unique situations.

Why a Mortgage Broker?

Why a Mortgage Broker?

An ECMB mortgage broker works for you, and has access to numerous options, which can ensure that you get the best rate with choices that work for your individual needs.

Experience & Service

Experience & Service

With our extensive background, we will analyze your personal situation and offer advice that is specific to your needs. Our team is dedicated to finding the best deal for you, not for your bank.

In The Community

In The Community

We at East Coast Mortgage Brokers are active supporters of the community. The Northwest Rotary Auction is a major fundraiser and gala in the city. It raises in excess of $150,000 annually, which is then...

Best Rates

Best Rates

At ECMB our Mortgage Advisors have access to the best mortgage network, which means they can get you the very best rates on the market with options that are not available through a bank.

Subscribe to our Newsletter

Subscribe to our Newsletter

Our bi-monthly newsletter features information about mortgage rates, trends in the mortgage market, ECMB’s latest ventures, interesting news about the financial industry, and much more!